Reflux in babies – symptoms and treatment
This is a subject very close to my heart and was the catalyst for introducing me to Homeopathy! My family has been benefiting from Homeopathy in endless ways since, so I’m forever grateful. I learned through life that some of the most difficult situations we find ourselves in can be our greatest lessons and gifts, but it’s often very hard to see that in the moment…
‘Failure to thrive’, the words echoed in my head while I rushed to the hospital with our youngest boy only 8 weeks old. The medications from the Doctors were not resolving the issues. He was constantly bringing up his milk, and at the hospital, he was put on a much higher dose of Omeprazole (Losec/PPI/Proton pump inhibitors) and Ranitidine (Zantac/H2 antagonists), which thankfully helped him keep some food down and grow, albeit slowly but the sickness, pain and sleep issues still continued. The doses kept increasing to allow him to keep some food down. None of this was what I imagined when having a baby: the relentless crying, feeling helpless, emotional and physical exhaustion from comforting our baby in pain. When he was 7 months old, and after lots of crying, worrying and sleepless nights, I read that Homeopathy is a natural gentle medicine that works to correct the body and can help with reflux, so I consulted a Homeopath for the first time with a desperate plea for our baby to be helped.
The Homeopath put him on a remedy (which is a nano dose of substance in nature that stimulates a healing response) that suited him overall/holistically, taking into account not just his physical symptoms but his nature, the way he behaved, his preferences and then matched this to an individualised suitable remedy. His crying calmed down, sickness reduced then stopped, sleep improved, and during this process we then weaned him off the medications and started work on repairing the gut.
What is baby reflux? And when will baby reflux stop?
Reflux is the spontaneous regurgitation of the stomach contents into the oesophagus (the food pipe that carries food from throat to stomach and is meant to be a one-way system); it is labelled as GOR or GORD depending on severity (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux/Disease). Some reflux in infants is normal and expected; NICE (UK) reports that at least 40% of all babies younger than 1 year have GOR, and the usual onset is around 8 weeks, subsiding roughly at 16 weeks. Around 90% of cases are resolved before 1 year.
When should you seek help for baby reflux?
When symptoms are more severe, for example, when reflux is persistent, the infant has frequent feeding or sleeping problems, episodes of choking, failure to thrive or weight loss, Oesophagitis or/and chronic respiratory disorders (cough, recurrent wheeze, apnea). This is likely to be considered as GORD, which is a more serious form of GOR.
Symptoms and signs of baby reflux and silent reflux:
Spitting up/posseting or vomiting (silent reflux baby will not have this symptom as the acid and stomach contents only go up to the throat, not vomited out of the mouth).
Refusing to feed
Fussing over feeds, feeding a little, then pulling away
Gagging or choking during feeding, difficulty swallowing, lots of swallowing
Crying a lot, irritability, fussiness
Discomfort – arching back during or after feeds, colic, gassy, wind, flatulence, abdominal pains
Hiccups, burping, sour smelly breath
Restless, disturbed sleep, unsettled
Repetitive cough, wheezing, breathing issues
*It is important to have your baby examined by a Doctor to rule out any very serious issues.
Why do babies get reflux? What causes baby reflux?
Babies are prone to reflux due to physical factors such as;
We have a muscular ring called the LES (lower Eosphageal sphincter) at the opening of the stomach, it opens to allow food into the stomach and is meant to remain closed at all other times. However in babies this isn’t fully developed so it can stay open and lead to backflow of the stomach contents into the food pipe.
We can overfeed our babies which can then lead to sickness due to too much pressure being put on the lower Eosphageal sphincter which then opens more easily creating backflow of food.
Babies have a short Esophagus so food is closer to our mouths/less distance to travel to be expelled than in older children or adults.
Babies are often placed horizontal soon after a feed, before most of the digestion is completed, and as their sphincter muscles are more relaxed then it is easier for the contents of the stomach to find its way back out through the Eosphagus.
Congenital Hiatal Hernia, present at birth, the upper part of the stomach bulges into the chest through the hiatus opening in the diaphragm, this can cause gastric acid to reflux from the stomach into the Esophagus.
How to help your baby with reflux (and support for you too!)
If your baby has been diagnosed with reflux and more serious causes have been eliminated then its essential to note that many babies can be lactose intolerant or have CMPA (cows milk protein allergy) which can be causing or making the reflux worse. For breastfeeding mothers you can trial removing all dairy products from your diet for 2 weeks and see if your baby improves, or if bottle fed then change your infants formula to a lactose-free formula for 2 weeks. If diagnosed with CMPA then an extensively hydrolysed formula (EHF) like Nutramigen or amino acid based formula (AAF) like Neocate can be introduced.
Keeping baby upright for as long as possible after a feed – using a sling can help.
Using a wedge in the cot to elevate them while sleeping
Using a baby probiotic – Optibac and Biocare have baby-friendly products. As much as 80% of the immune system comes from the gut so supplementing with probiotics can go a long way to supporting a healthy system, especially if antibiotics have been given to your baby or taken in pregnancy/breastfeeding.
You are probably exhausted from caring for your baby with reflux, Kali phos 6x tissue salt taken 4 times a day will help support your energy and nervous system. Also supplementing with a good quality magnesium supplement can help support your nervous system to help you cope.
Ask others for help – can a friend or relative take care of your baby for an hour or two in a regular time slot? This can give you time to rest or do something you love.
Nourish your body by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, good fats and high quality protein to help support your strength and energy.
Natural solutions for baby reflux
Like me, many parents turn to Homeopathy for reflux when they have exhausted the conventional route, frustrated and feeling helpless that there is nothing more that can be done. Medications prescribed are not bringing full relief, just papering over some of the symptoms. Parents are also worried about the side effects and long-term consequences of giving the prescribed drugs to their precious baby so decide to investigate natural remedies for reflux.
Prescription medicines such as Proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s), e.g. Omeprazole (Losec), and H2 antagonists e.g. Ranitidine (Zantac), reduce stomach acid by blocking/inhibiting/decreasing acid production, thereby suppressing the symptoms of Oesophageal inflammation and pain associated with reflux, which can help babies to feed better as the pain has reduced. However, Stomach acid forms part of the body’s immune system by killing undesirable bacteria in the gut, so drugs reducing the acid make the infant more susceptible to some infections. These drugs also affect the body’s natural digestive process so important nutrients like Vitamin D, B12, B1, Iron, Zinc, Folic acid, phosphorus; and calcium are not absorbed as effectively.
In contrast, Homeopathic remedies for reflux stimulate the infant’s body to heal the root cause to bring balance to acid production, so successful treatment will correct symptoms and improve digestion, resulting in no pain, better feeding, more sleep…and a cherry on the top, it is free from side effects so it’s an ideal healing option to try with your baby suffering with reflux.
Homeopathic remedies for baby reflux; natural remedies for GOR/GORD
The following natural remedies for reflux are recommended as a first course of action to see if re-balancing cell salts in the body will heal your baby’s reflux;
Give Homeopathic tissue salts for reflux Natrum Phos 6x (helps to neutralise acids and aids digestion) and Magnesium Phos 6x (helps with pain, colic, cramps and spasm) tissue salts together, 4 times a day for 3 days and observe if there has been an improvement. If you have noticed an improvement, then you can continue with the tissue salts for 4 weeks, providing that you continue to see improvements. If the improvement stops, then stop the tissue salts.
If no improvement of tissue salts for reflux, then examine the descriptions below of the natural reflux remedies and choose one that most closely matches your baby’s symptoms.
To administer homeopathic pills to babies, crush one pill between two spoons and add to a small about of sterile water or milk and mix. Give a spoonful/pipette/Calpol or Tylenol type syringe of mixture 3 times daily, or as you see the symptoms in your baby. If your baby’s symptoms aren’t showing any improvement at all after 2 days then move on to the next closest reflux remedy that matches your baby’s symptoms and try again. If there is an improvement then continue with the chosen reflux remedy until the symptoms are resolved or stop improving.
Aethusa 30c – for babies that have an inability to digest milk (intolerance or CMPA/allergy). Regurgitation of food as soon as swallowed or shortly after. Vomiting can be sudden and violent with large curds of white or yellow fluid or frothy matter. Distressed, colic followed by posseting. Worse at 3-4am and the evening.
Bryonia 30 – for babies who vomit immediately after feeding, they drink eagerly and have great thirst especially for cool drinks, symptoms are worse for warm drinks. Stomach is sensitive to touch, with acute attacks of pain worse for the slightest motion. Baby will draw legs up and burp. Lips dry, cracked, dryness of mouth. The tongue may be coated heavily white, yellowish, with gastric disorders.
Chamomilla 30c – suits a baby that is angry, restless, irritable and sensitive to pain, wants things but then refuses it, they don’t really know what they want. They cry and want to be carried and consoled. Cramps with vomiting. flatulence, colic worse at night. Regurgitation of milk/ food. Symptoms are worse when teething.
Colocynthis 30c – intense pain in the baby, screams with pain, angry cry, violent, cutting, gripping, grasping, colicky pains come in waves and the baby will pull their knees up, twist, wriggle, squirm, writhe around a lot. Warmth and firm pressure makes things better e.g. being carried over shoulder or lying on tummy over parents knees. Vomiting of bitter water. Worse evening and night.
Ignatia 30c – consider this remedy if there has been a loss, grief or disappointment for either the mum or the baby, during pregnancy or since birth. The emotional upset can affect the gut and body functions. Physical symptoms include regurgitation of milk/ food or bitter water, vomiting of mucus, and periodical cramps or spasms worse for the slightest contact.
Lycopodium 30c – for colicky babies with gas, bloating/distended stomach, gurgling noises, wind, and they may be worse between 4pm-8pm and worse with tight clothing on. They can often have a worried frown, like an older-looking expression. Vomits food after eating or drinking and belches/burps, but feels better after belching and for any motion. Symptoms are worse for milk and if breastfeeding mother eats flatulent/gassy causing foods e.g. Cabbage, onion, beans.
Mag phos 30c – for babies with spasmodic colic, intense cutting, shooting cramping pains in the region of stomach, which are relieved with gentle pressure, rubbing or warmth to the belly, and you may see your baby bringing knees up to chest/trying to bend double to get some relief. Worse for milk in general. Bloated, with burning pain, vomiting and belching of gas, which gives no relief.
Nux vomica 30 – for babies with severe bloating, tight belly and arching of the back. Sour belchings and vomiting, constipation and colic in nursing infants from stimulating food taken by the mother, e.g. coffee, chocolate, and sugars. They can be angry, impatient and the pain appears in spasms. This remedy can help detox the effects of medications used during or after the birth.
Phosphorus 30c – The baby will typically be happy and sociable. Vomiting begins as soon as the milk has warmed in the stomach or can vomit a while after the feed, the baby is better for cold drinks and is quite thirsty. This remedy is known for helping burning pains so there can be a lot of burning in the oesophagus causing pain and distress. Waterbrash/saliva mixed with stomach acid. Belching after feeds.
Pulsatilla 30c – for clingy babies that may cry a lot, need a lot of comforting, cuddles, gentle rocking. For nursing babies, reflux can be worse if mum eats fats, ice-cream, fruit or pastry. Symptoms can change to keep you guessing, this remedy is often prescribed on the intense clinginess and crying rather than the physical symptoms.
Silica 30c – for babies who reject milk or vomit up curds after feeding because they can’t digest milk, this may cause diarrhoea. Sour vomiting and may be hungry afterwards. Bloating/distended abdomen. Failure to thrive, arrested development. They feel cold and are better in warm environments. Sweats on the head.
Kali Carb 30 – for babies with symptoms worse between 2-4am. Milk and warm food aggravates. Burning acidity, bloating, flatulence, sour belching and vomiting of sour mucus. Easy choking when eating. Pain is better for motion, hot drinks and bending forward.
Our experience of baby reflux taught me that empowering yourself to learn ways that you can reduce or eradicate your child’s reflux symptoms naturally and improve their resilience to bugs in a very gentle and safe way is the key to having your child’s healthcare in your control and not having to resort to long term drugs that have toxic side effects. Discovering homeopathy for reflux was a huge game changer for us and I love sharing my knowledge with clients so they can experience the transformation within their families.
A professional Homeopath has over 8,000 remedies to choose from for baby reflux so if the ones listed are not providing relief to your baby or if you would like extra support then please get in touch to discuss how to permanently relieve your baby of reflux. I work internationally via Zoom/facetime and in person in CoreWellbeing, Mobberley, Cheshire (near Manchester, Wilmslow, Alderley Edge, Macclesfield).
I wish I had known from day one that there are effective, natural, remedies to treat infant reflux, so please consider sharing this to help other parents who may have a baby suffering from reflux.