How to treat Hay fever naturally; your guide to Homeopathic remedies for Hay fever
Atchoo! Red, swollen, itchy eyes? Runny or blocked nose? Itchy, burning nose? Watery eyes! Itchy throat, itchy mouth, itchy tongue, itchy ears, itchy nose? Tiredness, Sneezing, oh gosh, the sneezing!! Mucous! Headaches. Coughing, wheezing, whistling or asthma worsening?
These symptoms swoop in and interfere with your life, adding an extra something to contend with as if life before hay fever symptoms isn’t enough anyway. Unlike a cold, they don’t just go away after a few days or a week…..they go when the pollen that you are sensitive to goes which can be torturous and have you pleading and asking ‘when will my hay fever end?’!
What can you do to help Hay fever symptoms?
You can shower after being outside, change your bed linen each night to get rid of pollen, wear your hair up, stay indoors, and close all windows to keep pollen out - these tactics will help limit exposure somewhat but does this sound like fun when after a long winter all you want to do is enjoy all the loveliness that spring and summer brings? No!
Whilst avoiding or reducing pollen exposure will reduce symptoms, long-term natural treatment for hay fever that supports your body to calm down the allergic response to pollen in the first place is what will really make a difference. With natural remedies for Hay fever you can then live through the seasons like the well-meaning folk who so happily tell you that they’ve never had Hay fever while you are on your 9th pack of tissues that morning.
What causes Hay fever?
Firstly, you are far from alone in this; over 13 million people in the UK suffer, and it’s often referred to as Seasonal allergic Rhinitis. The time of year that your symptoms are worse is related to which pollen you are most triggered by; the below can give you some indication but is specific to the UK and can change from country to country.
February to June – tree pollen
May to July – grass pollen (the most common hay fever trigger)
June to September – weed pollen
October onwards – leaf mould
With Hay fever, your immune system is overreacting to the pollen in your environment – when you are exposed to pollen, your immune system thinks danger, this is harmful and needs to get out NOW, it starts treating it like a very unwelcome guest, an invader and so releases way too much histamine (amongst other responses) to try and solve the problem. However, this well-meaning but over-the-top action backfires with you experiencing the unpleasant and annoying Hay fever symptoms that arise, the swollen eyes, itchy eyes, constant sneezing etc. So the cause of the symptoms you experience is NOT from POLLEN directly, but from your body’s oversensitive response to pollen and trying to get the pollen out! If we reduce how sensitive you are to pollen then we can reduce or remove your symptoms. We can do this with natural remedies in the form of Homeopathic medicines for Hay fever.
What is histamine? And how does it affect Hay fever?
Histamine is a chemical released by your body, it is needed for brain health, digestion, to regulate hormones, it promotes wakefulness (anti-histamines can cause the opposite – drowsiness), helps the immune system, it triggers release of stomach acid to aid digestion and controls hunger, and plays a role in cognition.
In Hay fever sufferers, Histamine is released from your body as a self-protective mechanism to help fight off something that it deems as harmful and unwelcome – it activates a cascade of Immune functions. However, your release of Histamine is out of balance and an overreaction to the threat you are under. So with pollen exposure, when Histamine release kicks off the body’s defense and attack mode, it boosts blood flow to the area that pollen has entered, which then causes inflammation which then alerts the immune system to start repairing and removing the offender, so it makes mucous causing runny, blocked, stuffy nose and/or eyes, sneezing, tearing (itching!), coughing in an effort to get rid of the allergen.
So rather than remove or block your Histamine completely, with natural remedies for Hay fever the focus is on rebalancing your Histamine response so your body doesn’t overreact by releasing too much. Meaning that you don’t suffer with Hay fever anymore, you stay comfortable and symptom free but you still have adequate Histamine for other vital body functions. Win-win.
So, what’s the solution for Hay fever?
If you are a Hay fever sufferer then you already know that you can use anti-histamines to try to reduce histamine, steroid injections, medicated eye drops and steroid nasal sprays. While for some people these can be effective in reducing your symptoms of Hayfever, they don’t stop you getting it each year and using these medications come at a cost to your immune system in the short and longer term. For some there is unfortunately no relief even when using all the medications for Hay fever that are available. and others only want natural treatment for Hay fever themselves or their children. This is where natural medicines for Hay fever come in….they can be highly effective at stimulating your body to calm down and stop overreacting to the pollen, helping to desensitise you and giving you a long term natural solution that supports your immune system.
Homeopathy is a natural medicine for Hay fever that treats the root cause of an over reactive Immune response, so there is no masking of symptoms, no papering over the cracks, instead a deep, effective and long term healing when you receive the right Homeopathic treatment for Hay fever.
Personalised Homeopathy treatment for Hay fever
Whether you are like Sneezy from the Seven Dwarfs or like Eeyore all lethargic and gloomy with your Hay fever symptoms then there is a natural remedy for you….
As a professional Homeopath treating Hay fever naturally, I put together individual treatment plans that take into account family history, gut health, all allergies and intolerances, stress levels and response, previous and current medications, past and present trauma and I identify and prescribe detox/cleanses that will be beneficial to help the body to function at its best. When treating Hay fever naturally I’ll also be looking at how we can balance out the body’s histamine response to pollen (and any other offenders such as mold) by using a range of remedies such as Histamine and pollens that you are sensitive to.
Often clients with Hay fever can also have other sensitivity symptoms such as gut problems (IBS, SIBO, food allergies etc), a history of eczema, skin rashes or asthma so the right plan will target these areas (if relevant) with natural remedies too.
However depending on the severity of your symptoms, professional bespoke treatment isn’t always necessary, there are effective natural ways to help Hay fever at home…see below!
Natural remedies for Hay fever
To start treatment, select a Homeopathic remedy for Hay fever that most closely fits your symptoms…then take 1 pill up to 4 times for 1 day, if symptoms reduce, then continue taking until relieved. If symptoms aren’t affected at all then move on to try another natural remedy for Hay fever.
Do you sneeze continuously one after the other, uncontrollably? Blocked nose, itching in ears and roof of mouth, you are busy type, work a lot, impatient. If so then Nux Vom 30c may be the remedy for you.
Do you have a constant itch on the roof of your mouth or in the back of your nose…sometimes also in the throat and ears or corner of your eyes? Sneezing? Irritable? Throat dry and hoarse voice, in fact dryness of your head/nose too? Wyethia 30c may be for you!
You sneeze a lot (violent sneezing!) and your nose tickles/itches, eyes are red and watery, and your nostrils might be blocked in one and streaming in the other… tots of watery nasal discharge! Frontal pains in the face/sinues. Often in Spring of harvest time and aggravated by flower pollen. Symptoms are worse for open air and improve with warm food and drink or from keeping warm. If this sounds like you then Sabadilla 30c is worth trying for some relief.
Eyes, eyes, eyes – are your Hay fever symptoms are predominantly all about the eyes? Your eyes are constantly streaming, are sore, gritty, swollen, sensitive to light, and the discharge from the eyes burns. You may blink eyes constantly and rub or wipe your eyes a lot. Profuse discharge from nose but is bland. If you have a lot of these symptoms then Euphrasia 30c is worth trying for your Hay fever.
If your nose streams with clear discharge and the discharge burns, with watery eyes and stinging eyes and sneezing and tickly cough Very sensitive to odour of flowers and handling peaches. The person usually is thirsty, and feels worse indoors and when rooms are warm, and better in fresh air then Allium Cepa 30c may help your symptoms.
Your hay fever is itchy! Your mouth, eyes and nose itches A LOT. Lots of sneezing with a runny nose, Everything in your head feels dry and irritated, but the nose may still be runny. I’d give Arundo 30c a try.
Are you tired, sluggish, heavy eyes, feel weak, drained, miserable and fed up, if so then Gelsemium 30c might be the right Hay fever remedy for you.
Natural foods, nutrients and other natural remedies to have in your toolkit…
Foods and nutrients can either improve hay fever symptoms or worsen them so it’s worth making some changes to encourage low histamine levels particularly ahead of the season where your hay fever symptoms usually appear.
Quercetin – It has a natural powerful anti-histamine effect by inhibiting the release of histamine so it’s stopped in its tracks. It’s also a flavonoid which helps to reduce inflammation which will calm your allergy symptoms down. Numerous studies have shown its effectiveness for hay fever.
You can consume foods such as onions, berries, parsley, cherries, grapes, broccoli, sage, garlic and citrus fruits and take a good quality supplement through your hay fever season to improve Quercetin intake.
The Sun vitamin, D – Ironic that when the better weather comes, Hay fever symptoms increase in most sufferers…yet Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to allergies and autoimmune disease. So most of us need a lot more Vitamin D than we get to have a healthy immune system and a healthy gut.
Supplementing is the best way to get adequate Vitamin D levels all year round, but if you can cope with being outside more then natural sunlight is a fabulous addition to improving your Vitamin D levels.
Vitamin C – A natural anti-histamine and is in abundance is so many fruits and veg so easy for you to consume…. citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, also eating strawberries, kiwi’s, red peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, blackcurrants and berries will increase Vitamin C levels.
Probiotics – Our gut health is important for pretty much every function in our body – healthy gut flora is essential for a strong immune system and has the potential to influence our allergy response and inflammation. Many studies have shown a positive effect of probiotics on allergic rhinitis, which is one of the major symptoms of hay fever, so a good probiotic is advised.
Garlic – Adding more garlic to your foods or taking a high-quality supplement can block the production of histamine, meaning your hay fever symptoms are lessened.
B Is for Biotin Biotin - is a B vitamin that helps maintain the healthy function of mucous membranes found in your nose, sinuses, throat, even the tear ducts, and other body areas. Consuming foods such as fish, egg yolks, avocados, green leafy vegetables and nuts will improve your levels, as well as taking a good quality supplement.
A cup of tea – Sip these herbal teas throughout the day as they can have a natural antihistamine effect on the system, reducing Hay fever symptoms…green tea, ginger, chamomile, elderflower, peppermint and anise.
Add some spice to your life! – Tumeric (contains Curcumin) added to food, drink or taken as a high-quality supplement can help with Hay fever symptoms by reducing swelling and irritation due to its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Ginger can also be added in for an extra anti-inflammatory hit!
Local honey – Local honey has some strong evidence behind it that shows it helps to limit the effects of hay fever symptoms. This is due to the honey containing the same pollen from the local plants that will cause your symptoms but in a much smaller volume, which helps your body build up a tolerance to the pollen naturally. Independent health stores or local farms should have local honey.
Barrier balm under the nose – Dotting a barrier balm around the nose can catch pollen before it enters the nasal passage, creating a histamine response. Haymax Allergen Barrier balm is an Organic and natural balm to try.
Natural eye drops – A.Vogel Eye drops contains Euphrasia and can be used to relieve dry, irritated or tired eyes. These drops help maintain lubrication of the eyes and are suitable for use whilst wearing contact lenses.
These eye drops are also a good option to sooth eyes.
Nasal spray – This will help reduce inflammation in the nose and provide relief from nasal mucous/catarrh.
Foods/drinks to reduce or avoid
Dairy – Cut down or remove dairy as it increases the production of mucous in your body, which means that it’ll make your congestion/runny nose respiratory-type symptoms worse. Try switching to oat milk, almond milk, or any other dairy-free alternatives for the Hay fever season.
Switch your drink of choice. Alcohol - can worsen Hay fever symptoms as most drinks contain histamine and sulphites, so it is advised to avoid it. But if you are going to drink alcohol, then Gin has a low histamine content and contains no sulphites, so this may be the best option. Vodka is a good second choice due to low histamine levels, but it does contain sulphites, which contribute to symptoms.
Chocolate – sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Chocolate contains histamine in high levels, which can aggravate your hay fever symptoms. There are many high histamine foods that you can trial cutting out; however, foods with high nutrient value, such as spinach, avocado etc should be carefully evaluated with a professional.
Wheat – As Hay fever is an issue with pollen and wheat is a grass product, consuming wheat can increase symptoms of an allergic reaction for some people who suffer from grass pollen allergies.
Refined sugars – Refined sugars can trigger a rush of adrenalin into your system, causing your body to produce more histamine, thereby irritating your hay fever symptoms even further.
Coffee – Your adrenal glands are already very busy producing cortisol to help with the inflammatory effects of the histamine you have produced, so adding lots of Caffeine to the mix will further stress your adrenals and could lead to adrenal fatigue. Tired, worn-out adrenals will exacerbate your Hay fever symptoms.
I hope these tips can help you immensely with your Hay fever symptoms! I’m delighted each time Homeopathy clears a clients hay fever symptoms when they have struggled each season for years on end until seeing me. If you would like to discover what a bespoke natural treatment for Hay fever program could do for you, then please get in touch for a free, no-obligation discovery call.